Beginning my Journey with SIBO

Chronic stomach and abdominal pain, constipation, burping, fatigue, hot flashes, and light-headedness are just some of the wonderful symptoms I have been experiencing since October of 2017. I knew something was very wrong and I needed to see a GI specialist. His immediate response was SIBO, which is a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. The name of the disorder is self-explanatory. There is a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestines, which disrupts normal digestion and absorption of nutrients. This can cause some severe complications and symptoms, including the ones I have already mentioned. I was properly diagnosed after taking a breath test, which measures the amount of hydrogen and methane-producing bacteria in your gut. The doctor immediately put me on 2 weeks of Xifaxan taken 3 times a day after which, I would follow a low-FODMAP diet for 4 weeks.


Currently, I have finished the course of antibiotics and one week of this diet. I wish I could claim that I’m feeling so much better than before treatment, but unfortunately I can’t. In fact, I feel worse. I’ve developed severe constipation, regardless of efforts including taking Align probiotics, introducing flax seed into my morning shakes, and light yoga to encourage digestion. I’m terrified that all my efforts towards curing this are not achievable and in fact, have only backfired on me. It was once something I could manage quite well with proper diet and rigorous exercise. Now, I’ve been reduced to constant pain and weakness.


If anyone has gone through this experience or have felt worse after taking Xifaxan, please comment below.  I’m going to try to chronicle my journey as best as I can, but I’m hoping I can share this journey with someone else.



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